Interagency Connects

Creating a world that respects and values the rights of young persons with disabilities requires collective action on a global scale. At GNYPWD, we recognize the importance of strategic alliances in this mission. As part of this, we have instituted Interagency Connects, an initiative designed to build partnerships with global institutions such as the United Nations (UN) and its agencies.

Collaborative advocacy is at the heart of GNYPWD. Inspired by the principle of “nothing about us without us”, we use Interagency Connects to foster dialogues and collaborations that allow us to advocate effectively for young people with disabilities. We strive to reshape the policy landscape, pushing for the recognition and addressing the unique needs and potentials of young persons with disabilities.

Our advocacy work has led to key milestones. In December 2022, we endorsed the Global Disability Children and Young People’s Charter (GDCYPC) in collaboration with the Commonwealth Children and Youth Disability Network (CCYDN). This endorsement signifies our commitment to upholding the rights of young persons with disabilities on a global scale.

We are active contributors in global platforms. Alongside the International Disability Alliance (IDA), we joined the interagency task team for the Youth 2030 Disability Task team under the UN Youth Envoy. This strategic alliance empowers us to influence the Youth 2030 strategy, ensuring that our advocacy efforts align with larger international objectives.

Building partnerships with global agencies allows us to expand our impact. We have strong ties with key UN agencies, including the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and the World Health Organization (WHO). These partnerships amplify our voice, allowing us to advocate for disability-inclusive policies more effectively.

One of our most notable collaborations has been the launch of the “Wanted: A World for One Billion” exhibition in partnership with UNFPA. This multi-sensory physical exhibit of photographs, audio recordings, and immersive films provides a glimpse into the lives of young persons with disabilities.

Looking to the future, Interagency Connects will continue to be central to our mission. By strengthening our relationships with global partners, we aim to create a network where the voices of young persons with disabilities are heard, acknowledged, and incorporated into policies that shape our collective future.